Public release of data

Release dates for offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas data vary according to the information type and legislation under which the data was collected. Detailed information can be found in Parts 8 and 10 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (RMA Regulations).

Open information

NOPTA may make 'open information' about a well or survey publicly known at any time. Open information about a well or survey is defined in Regulation 1.05 and includes the name, location, type or purpose, and other general information relating to the activity being undertaken.

NOPIMS is the register for new well and survey activity metadata captured by NOPTA since 1 January 2012. This information is updated periodically. Any queries, corrections or details of omissions should be directed to

The system also includes pre–2012 legacy metadata maintained by Geoscience Australia. Access to open well and survey metadata and publicly released downloadable data is available via NOPIMS.

Data release—'relevant day'

Under Parts 8 and 10 of the RMA Regulations, NOPTA may make disclosable information publicly known after the relevant day has passed.

All information and data submitted to NOPTA in accordance with the relevant legislation shall remain confidential at least until the information is eligible for public release.

The National Offshore Petroleum Data and Core Repository (NOPDCR) maintains confidential information on behalf of NOPTA. Once the relevant day has passed and the Titles Administrator has authorised the data for release, it will be made publicly available through NOPIMS and the NOPDCR.

The following information relates to the public release of petroleum data collected under the current provisions of the RMA Regulations.

Confidentiality periods and release for wells data

Release of basic disclosable information

  • The earliest possible release date for basic well data and reports is 2 years after the end of the operation (Regulation 8.11(5) and 10.11(5)).
  • Where permits expire through surrender, cancellation, revocation or termination the basic data becomes releasable on the day of expiry.

Release of interpretative disclosable information

  • The earliest possible release date for interpretative well data and reports is 5 years after the end of the operation (Regulation 8.12 and 10.12).

Confidentiality periods and release for survey data

Release of basic disclosable information

  • Release provisions for basic survey data are considerably more detailed, and can vary according to survey type, permit type, and commercial intent (exclusivity) (Regulations 8.11 (2–4) and 10.11(2-4)). Confidentiality periods of up to 15 years may apply.
  • Titleholders are encouraged to become familiar with the provisions of Division 3, Part 8 and Part 10, of the RMA Regulations, and contact NOPTA by email at should they have any questions.
  • Where permits expire through surrender, cancellation, revocation or termination the basic data becomes releasable on the day of expiry.

Release of interpretative disclosable information

  • The earliest possible release date for interpretative survey data and reports is 5 years after the end of the operation (Regulation 8.12 and 10.12).

Public release of petroleum data

NOPTA aims to authorise the release of data on the first business day of the week. As such, a NOPIMS listed relevant day will not necessarily reflect the actual day of release.

After release, data will become available for public use as soon as possible, through NOPIMS or the NOPDCR.

Activity relevant dates and authorised release dates can be found in NOPIMS by filtering on the respective column headers in the activity search pages.

A listing of activities and data which have been recently added to NOPIMS can also be found at the Released Documents page

Queries relating to the discovery of open-file data using NOPIMS can be directed to

Any queries, corrections or details of omissions relating to the release of data should be directed to


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